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These data are somewhat useful mainly when planning a voyage; for example:

  • both cruises confirmed an average speed which, sailing 24 hours a day, would allow a daily run of about 100/105 miles per day.   This could be a good basis to estimate our speed on long passages.
  • the "gross" daily average, which ranged between 30 and 60 miles per day, is clearly influenced by several factors, in particular the percentage of days actually sailed, which in turn depends from weather conditions, crew attitude and also attractiveness of the sailed area.   Still, this figure would be usefull to estimate the potential length of a cruise depending on available time (in our case = from 1000 to 2000 miles in a month).
  • the fuel consumption is obviously an essential figure to size our stock or, conversely, to administer the available quantity.  With our stock amounting at about 240 liters, our autonomy would be slightly less than 100 hours at a speed conservatively estimated at 4.5 knots, up to a maximum of 200 hours if the engine is used only for battery-charging.   A prudent estimate for passages could be then 60 literr reserved for battery-charging, while 180 liters will be available for about 70 hours and 300 miles of motoring range.
  • water consumption (which for us does not include drinking water, not coming from the tanks) is less meaningful; the recorded consumption of about 10 liters per person/day can surely be reduced, even without counting on possible refills from rainwater-catching or from the watermaker.

Webmaster: Gianfranco Balducci - email: gfbalduc@tin.it

Last Update: 11/11/2014

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