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Log book
Our Voyages
The Crew
The Boats
Onboard Life
Technical Notes
Pilot Book
Contact us



Welcome to the web-site devoted to our sailing voyages!

We are Barbara ("Baby") and Gianfranco ("Gian"), and here we talk about our little past and present adventures on our boats, "SHAULA3" and later-on "SHAULA4".


In the "Voyages" section read the story of our circumnavigation with SHAULA3 in the
Blue Water Rally 2007/2009!

in the "Movies" section, watch
"Capsize in the Carribbean Sea"
and "Panama Canal transit"

NEWS (last updated: end May 2018):

Report on the 2016 Cruise, to Ionian Greece with Shaula4

"Budget" and "Electricity" sections revised and expanded


Shaula3 under sail in the Gibraltar Straits                                                            Shaula4 moored in Lipari island during her maiden voyage

This web-site is meant to be first of all our own diary, but we hope it will also serve as a means for family and friends to follow our peregrinations, and hopefully some information may be of use for other like-minded folks.

Clicking on the buttons on the left, you will go to the following subjects:

  • Log Book: the diary of our progress (if any!)
  • The voyages: histories and pictures
  • The crew: ourselves, our crew and friends
  • The boats: how Shaula3 and Shaula4 are made, and how we modified them for our projects
  • Onboard life: notes about specific subjects related to everyday's life onboard (this section is a work in progress)
  • Budget: information on the much-debated subject of the cost of sailing
  • Technical notes: considerations concerning technical aspects of long-distance boat preparation
  • Pilot Book: routes, places, recommendation (this section is in preparation)
  • Photo-Album: links to the site of our complete photo albums 
  • Movies: links to our movies on U-Tube
  • Links: addresses that we find useful
  • Contact us: how to get in touch

To return to this page, please click on the Shaula3 logo with the US/UK flags, on the top-right corner of each page.


Webmaster: Gianfranco Balducci - email: gfbalduc@tin.it

Last Update: 07/09/2017

The Shaula4 website (text and images) by Gianfranco Balducci is licensed under a
 Creative Commons by-nc-nd/3.0/ Attribution - Non commercial - No derivative works 3.0 Unported License